Healing Begins Here

Live your best life with energy and purpose.

Are you ready to be the person you came here to be?

Carol Vare, owner and founder of Carol Vare Energetics, is an experienced, skilled, and intuitive Energy Healer. She uses her gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience to connect with your personal Guides and Angels. Using a range of modalities and abilities, Carol assists you on the road to aligned wellness. 

Carol’s purpose in her life is as a Gatekeeper. A Gatekeeper is someone who has passed through the Ascension Portal, ascending into a higher frequency of light. She has passed an initiation of sorts and now acts as a way-shower for the rest of humanity. Carol carries the energy and the knowledge of how to get there, all of which helps to uplift the rest of the human race.

As a gatekeeper, Carol holds open the gate or ascension portal for all those who decide to step through, which hopefully will be most. The purpose of being on earth at this time is all about going higher and further than we ever have before.

Carol uses Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and Energy Healing Therapy as just some of her tools to help further individuals in their process of ascension.

Originally founded in Asheville, North Carolina, her healing practice is Carol’s lovechild. Carol follows her soul’s guidance to go where she is most needed. She currently located in Tucson, Arizona, from the Philadelphia area. Many of her sessions are available online, so she is able to assist many people all over the world.

Wonderful Session, Healing, Clarity

“Carol did an amazing job, I felt supported, relaxed, accepted completely throughout, before and after the session! After the session my intuition, my inner voice became much stronger and I started to feel much clearer about where I need to go, what I need to do next and down the road.”

— Adva E.


Do you feel fully alive & excited to be living on the earth?


If you feel anything less than vibrant, you don’t have to.

If you feel lost in the world right now, put a stop to the endless cycle of confusion.

If you relate to any of these circumstances, you may benefit greatly from a session with Carol Vare.

Energy depletion shows up in our body in so many ways. Your health and your well-being can be managed, improved, and fortified when you give yourself the gift of healing.


Did you know that…

We are experiencing the biggest mass awakening of consciousness ever in the history of humanity.

And because of this, many of us may be feeling a variety of disruptions in our lives that we have never approached before. Some of us are re-living trauma from childhood or earlier in our lives. Some are feeling more sensitive, as if we are experiencing what others are feeling. We may be more fatigued, or excess energy, headaches, body aches, bigger appetite, less hungry…

Time may feel that it is speeding up, or moving very slowly. We may be fearful for no apparent reason, confused about our purpose in life, wanting change but not knowing how or what.

If you are experiencing or feeling any of this, please know that you are not alone. And help is available.

Did you know that YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALER! However, most of us need help in navigating through these difficult transitions. We need a guide, a facilitator, a mirror to find clarity, healing and purpose.

Carol will facilitate your journey of healing and optimal alignment. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®), and Energy Healing Therapy are the primary tools she uses in her practice.

Speak to Carol about what modality is best for you over a FREE consultation call.

 “I must say that finding out about QHHT® and finding Carol to perform my session was all divinely orchestrated by the universe. The timing of it all still blows my mind. She helped me to access information that I had been searching for my entire life. I was able to get validation to many things I had been curious about.

I am still learning more about myself every time I listen to my recording of the session. I highly recommend Carol and the QHHT® session to anyone who needs answers, guidance, and much-needed healing.

Open your mind, your heart, and free yourself. You will be so happy that you did.”

— Heather R.

Start your wellness restoration with one or more of the signature modalities Carol offers in person and virtually.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a healing modality created by Dolores Cannon. Through hypnosis, you can heal physical issues and find the answers to many questions about your life.

Energy Healing Therapy

Energy Healing Therapy is a powerful approach to wellness that uses the energy flows in and around the human body to restore balance on all levels.

Live Your Truth Course

This individualized course was created and developed by Carol Vare to help you heal destructive patterns that may be blocking you from living your authentic life.